The Guest Room is an apartment located in Arlin Falck Assisted Living, consisting of two twin beds, a kitchenette, and full bath. The Guest Room is offered to guests of tenants and residents of Barthell O.E.S. Home, including past family members of Barthell O.E.S. Home residents and tenants. The Guest Room rents for $100 per night. Meals are included - please let A.L. staff know if you will be ordering the meal. Up to 4 people may stay in the Guest Room.
To make a reservation, please contact the Assisted Living at 563-387-3777. Or, complete and submit the form at the bottom of this page.
More information:
Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and Check-out time is 11:00 a.m.
Please pick up the key upon arrival and turn in the key upon departure to an A.L. Attendant (usually in the A.L. kitchen, which is on 1st floor, just down the hall from the Guest Room)
You may pay at the end of your stay, or add the charge to a tenant or resident's statement. Checks should be made payable to Barthell O.E.S. Home.
Cancellation Policy: If reservations are not cancelled within 24 hours, the room rate will be billed.